Where I stand on issues that concern Plainfield Township citizens

The four candidates for two seats on the Board of Supervisors were requested to respond to four questions, asked by a local news reporter.  Since there is no guarantee there will be a news article that includes my responses, I am posting them here, verbatim.  There was a 100-word limit to each response.

1. What types of businesses would you like to see generating tax revenue and jobs in the township?

Our light industrial zone had been underutilized until a light manufacturer redeveloped lots on Engler Road and Bangor Road, which are planned to provide 50 to 70 good paying jobs.  I worked hard as a citizen to have the township adhere to its ordinances and not allow nuisance businesses that were not permitted by zoning to continue to operate or to develop these sites.  As a result, they were available and a world-class facility has replaced the destroyed NICOS building.  I would like to see more light manufacturers locate in the township.  

2. If elected (or re-elected), how would you help bring those businesses here?

I did an analysis six years ago, which showed that relatively little land is zoned or available in the township for commercial or light industrial use.  If elected, I would propose looking at strategically rezoning select land near city water and/or sewer, to make additional sites available.  I assisted the partner of the company that redeveloped the Speck Plastics property, by interfacing with officials in both Bushkill Township and our Township, and determining that the proposed use complied with all applicable ordinances.  The Zoning Office had errantly informed two previous applicants that their proposed uses were not permitted.

3. And how would you help ensure they don’t harm open space or quality of life?

 In 2020, Waste Management requested and was denied rezoning of 211 acres of farmland to solid waste, so that a new landfill may be created when the current space allotted has been consumed in 2028.  The Supervisors felt that the Township has done its Fair Share to provide for solid waste disposal, and I agree.  A Trust Fund forecast to be approximately $20m when the landfill closes could replace lost revenue for 15 to 20 years.  If elected, no special interests or conflicts of interest will cloud my judgment of what is best for the citizens of Plainfield Township.

4. What’s your background (job, any current and/or former elected and/or appointed positions held, volunteerism, etc.)?

 I spent half my professional career as a high school teacher of mathematics and multimedia design, and half as a systems engineer in the fields of consumer telephony and aerospace.  I have served on the township Environmental Advisory Council and Zoning Hearing Board.  I was also appointed to and elected Chairman of the Eldred Township Parks Committee.


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